He Makes All Things New

“Church Replanting is “the rescue, redemption and restoration of a church at or near the point of death, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God and the good of the community.” (NAMB) It is like church planting but differs in that a healthy congregation comes alongside a dying one to bring new life, a new vision, and a renewed sense of mission. Church replanting honors the heritage and community of the legacy church, enabling the church to restart with new resources, a new name, a new ministry philosophy, new life.”

We’re just a couple of weeks away from the “official launch” of New City East Side and the work of the Spirit is evident! This is truly a NEW church. The picture don’t tell the story of all that is taking place. We have started one week-night Missional Community (our version of small groups) which is already getting ready to plant a second week-night Missional Community and we just launched two Sunday morning Missional Communities. More than just “things” starting, the people who are a part of these MCs and this new church are dreaming new dreams of reaching the community, growing in Christ, and growing together as family.

We’ll post more in the days to come! We can’t wait to see all that God is going to do.
Pray for the January 10 launch.
Enjoy a few shots from a recent service.


and your old men will dream dreams


“And They Cheered!”