
Planting, Replanting and Adoption

The New City Family of Churches has been born out of a strong desire to see the gospel advance and the Kingdom of God grow through healthy, vibrant, gospel centered churches. No one church can do it all. We recognize the value in multiplying the reach of the ministry by planting local churches and by replanting or adopting existing local churches.

Church Planting is initiated by the elders of a sending New City Family Church. A planted church is established with the intention of becoming self-governing, self-sustaining, and self-replicating in time.

Church Replanting is “the rescue, redemption and restoration of a church at or near the point of death, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God and the good of the community.” (NAMB) It is like church planting but differs in that a healthy congregation comes alongside a dying one to bring new life, a new vision, and a renewed sense of mission. Church replanting honors the heritage and community of the legacy church, enabling the church to restart with new resources, a new name, a new ministry philosophy, new life.

Church Adoption happens when an existing church wants to become part of the New City Family of Churches. This may be initiated by a church that wants to partner with the NCFC for support of varying degrees.

The New City Family of Churches is not one church in many different locations; it is a family of independent (autonomous) and interdependent local churches that work together for the advancement of the Gospel. Under the local leadership of pastors/elders, this family of churches seeks to love, support, and equip one another through intentional partnership. As a family we work together on a shared mission with a common vision and strategy.

Our shared mission is to help others live in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our shared vision is to see the Gospel transform everything within our reach: ourselves, our church, our city and the world.

Our shared strategy is living as a family of missionary servants, disciples of Jesus making disciples of Jesus. We believe that we will best fulfill our mission and see this vision come to be as we live out our identities in Christ.

In addition to a shared mission, vision and strategy, New City Churches share foundational core beliefs regarding:

  • Scriptures

  • Salvation

  • The Godhead

  • Eternal Security & Assurance of Believers

  • The Person and Work of Christ

  • Ministry and Spiritual Gifts

  • The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

  • The Church

  • Total Depravity

  • Marriage and Sexuality

And these critical foundational elements are expressed through eight shared family traits:

  • Biblical Theology

  • Identity-Based Living

  • Contextual Diversity

  • Gospel Centrality

  • Missional Communities

  • Kingdom Collaboration

  • Expositional Preaching

  • Ordered Equality

Non-New City Family Churches can utilize us for:

Consultations & Resources

There are often churches that won’t become an official member of the New City Family of Churches, but that we strive to help in various ways. Churches and pastors are welcome to contact us for assistance, consultations and advisory help to see if we can assist them in ministry in any way. Our desire is to see healthy, thriving churches whether they are members of the New City Family of Churches or not!