a family of independent and interdependent local churches that work together for the advancement of the Gospel

Better together.

Each New City Family church exists to help people live in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that church planting and replanting are an important part of carrying out this mission. God is glorified when New City Family churches and other churches cooperate to edify, protect, encourage and support one another.

Watch the story of the Replanting of New City East Side and learn more about what it means from some of the members of the former Northridge Baptist Church.


Church Planting

New City Family churches work together to plant new churches with the intention of the church plants becoming self-sustaining and self-replicating over time.

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Church Replanting

Replanting occurs when a church concludes that they have declined to the point that they will have to soon close their doors. The replanted church is open to a complete reworking of ministry philosophy and is willing to adopt the Family guidelines for becoming a New City Family of Churches church.

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Church Adoptions

Adoption may be initiated by a church that has plateaued or is declining and is seeking support of varying degrees from the New City Family of Churches

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Church Consultations

We are FOR the success of local churches! Sometimes we all need a little help - a different perspective, fresh eyes. We would be happy to meet with you to see if there are ways we can help your church be all that God desires it to be. Our desire is to see healthy, thriving churches whether they are members of the New City Family of Churches or not!

“According to the Hartford Institute of Religion Research, more than 40 percent of Americans “say” they go to church weekly. As it turns out, however, less than 20 percent are actually in church. In other words, more than 80 percent of Americans are finding other things to do on weekends.”

— Mark Hallock, Calvary Church, Englewood, CO